We learned ragas only in the proper prohor^. There are eight
prohors in the day. 6am to 9am, 9am til noon, the late morning time. 12noon til
3pm, dupur. 3pm-6pm, late afternoon and sunset. 6pm-9pm, sunset and early
evening. 9pm to midnight, evening.
12midnight til 3am, late night, and
3am til 6am, pre-dawn.
We would learn the mood and flavor of each raga based on
when it was played, the season. Baba only allowed us to play the appropriate
raga in its right time. We never questioned why, but we would feel the anubhava
(emotional connection/feeling) only when we played that raga at the appointed
prohor is the Bengali pronunciation for the term prahar in Sanskrit, a
three-hour block of the day.
in conversation,
Friday, Sept 26, 2014, Durgakund.